Saturday, September 21, 2019

Proxy Configuration between PO & ECC


First, we need to create a Logical System in ECC which will point to PO system. Go to tcode - BD54  & create a logical system.


Then, depending on whether your system is single/dual stack, create a RFC destination from SM59 which will point to PO system.

If its a Single stack - create Type G connection
           Dual stack - create Type H connection

while creating we should follow a standard Path Prefix for both Type H & Type G connection

Connection Test should result in Status 200

ex: Type H
Target Host : Hostname of PO system
Path Prefix : /sap/xi/engine/?type=entry

Type G
Target Host : Hostname of PO system
Path Prefix :   /XISOAPAdapter/MessageServlet?ximessage=true


Go to SXMB_ADM - Configuration -  Select Category as Runtime 

select parameter -  IS_URL
Value =  dest://<your_rfc_destination>


We will create one more TYPE G - RFC Destination for PROXY generation 
RFC dest. name - SAP_PROXY_ESR
Provide Host Name
Path Prefix: /rep


Go to Tcode - SLDAPICUST & configure entry for PO system in ECC system.

                                                          Amor Fati - Love of Fate

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