Sunday, June 27, 2021

27-6-2021 Vocabulary


innocuous -  Not harmful or offensive, harmless, insipid

People say seemingly innocuous comments all the time that inadvertently hurts the morale of everyone  around them.


Jeopardize - To risk, threaten, endanger

You work so hard at your job. So, do you really want to jeopardize all that by saying something dumb.


Veritable - Used for emphasis, to prove that a thing/place is not unreal, used to stress on the genuiness

Costa Rica (works on 100% renewable energy) is a veritable paradise.


Prescience - Foresight, knowing something in advance, visionary, prophetic, predictive

The prescience of a skilled business man.

A prescient warning.


Cartelization - Formal aggregation between group of companies to regulate supply or manipulate prices.

Manu Manek formed the bear cartel (a group of people that manipulate the stock market to earn profits are referred to as a cartel) in which the 3R's (Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, Radhakishan Damani, and Raju Chartist) were his famous associates. This bear cartel group followed the same ideology as Manu Manek

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