Sunday, October 13, 2019


We can integrate SAP System with PI with 3 different adapters -

  1. IDOC
  2. RFC
  3. PROXY

Proxy communication always by passes the Adapter Engine and will directly interact with the application system and Integration engine. So it will give us better performance.

Proxies communicate with the XI server by means of native SOAP calls over HTTP.

Easy to handle messages with ABAP programming.

Proxy is good for large volumes of data. we can catch and persist the errors ( both system
application fault ) which was generated by Proxy setting.

2 types of proxies available -

Java Proxies: - 

Java proxies are used when JAVA applications needs to send or receive messages with
other applications. JAVA proxies are generated from the WSDL description  of the interface 
in the Integration Repository, and the result is a .jar file containing generated java classes
corresponding to the integration objects. 

ABAP Proxies: - 

ABAP proxies are used when ABAP applications needs to send or receive messages. ABAP
proxies are generated on the Application server with transaction SPROXY, based on the
WSDL representation of the message interface.

There are 2 types of ABAP Proxies - 

1. Client proxy / outbound proxy

2. Server proxy / inbound proxy

Client Proxy 

Server Proxy

Steps required for developing ABAP Proxies in dual stack :

1. Create a source data type and a target data type.
2. Create Message types for the source and target data types.
3. Create Message Interfaces includes Inbound Message interface and Outbound
    Message interface.
4. Create message mapping between the source and target message types.
5. Create Interface mapping.
6. Create ABAP proxies using the transaction SPROXY in the application system.

Creating ABAP Proxies in Application system 

Go to SPROXY transaction in R/3 system.

Here we can see all the Integration Repository objects. Select the outbound interface for
which we want to create the proxy. Right click on the interface and select create option.

Steps required for developing ABAP Proxies in single stack :

1. Create a source data type and a target data type.
2. Create Message types for the source and target data types.
3. Create Message Interfaces includes Inbound Message interface and Outbound
    Message interface.
4. Create message mapping between the source and target message types.
5. Create Interface mapping.
6. Create ABAP proxies using the transaction SPROXY in the application system.

Creating ABAP Proxies in Application system: 

Go to SPROXY transaction in R/3 system.

Here we can see all the Integration Repository objects. Select the outbound interface for
which we want to create the proxy. Right click on the interface and select create option.

Objects that need to be developed in ID :

Create sender and receiver communication component
Create sender and receiver communication channels
Create Integrated Configuration.

In sender communication channel we should select Adapter type is SOAP Adapter

Transport Protocol : HTTP
Message Protocol  : XI3.0


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