Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Additional Exchange Properties in CPI

  • SAP_CorrelateMPLs

You can use this property to specify whether message processing logs (MPLs) are to be correlated with each other using a correlation ID.

By default, MPL correlation is switched on. To specify this property, select Constant as Type and enter True or False as Value.

  • SAP_ReceiverOverwrite

  • SAP_ErrorModelStepID

You can use this property to set a Model Step ID for an integration flow step. This identifier is required to relate to an integration flow step in error handling.

  • SAPJMSRetries

Contains the number of retries of a JMS message.
You can use this property to specify that the behavior of the integration flow changes depending on the number of retries that are actually performed. For example, you can configure a scenario where a mail is sent to an administrator with the message as an attachment and the integration flow is terminated successfully after a specified number of retries.

  • SAPJMSAlerttime

Specifies the time when an alert needs to be sent.

  • SAPJMSRetryAt

Specifies the time when a JMS message must be retried.

  • SAP_MessageProcessingLogCustomStatus

You can use this property to set an at most 40 characters alphanumeric custom status for the current message processing log. The value is transferred as CustomStatus attribute to the root part of the message processing log and then stored in the message processing log header table.

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