Wednesday, February 23, 2022

CSV to XML - Demo

 The converter element enables you to transform an input message in one format to another. 


123, Akshay, CPI Consultant

456, Akshada, Professor

CSV to XML Converter :

XML Schema:
Choose Browse and select the file path to the XML schema file that is used as the basis for message transformation. The XML file schema format is used as the basis for creation of the payload. 

Path to Target Element in XSD :
XPath in the XML Schema File where the content from CSV has to be placed. 

Record Marker in CSV :
The corresponding record in the CSV file that has to be considered for conversion. This entry is the first text in every new record of the CSV. 
If this value is not specified then all the records would be considered for conversion.

Field Separator :

If we want to use a field separator that is not available in the dropdown list, manually enter the character in Field Separator in CSV field.

If you want to exclude headers in the first line of CSV file for conversion, select Exclude First Line Header checkbox. 
If the checkbox is not selected, then the attributes of the CSV file are mapped according to the order of occurrence in the XSD.


Path to Target Element in XSD :




<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>




<name> Akshay</name>

<description> CPI Consultant</description>




<name> Akshada</name>

<description> Professor</description>




XSD used:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Created with Liquid Technologies Online Tools 1.0 ( -->
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="">
  <xs:element name="CompetencyList">
        <xs:element name="Competency">
              <xs:element name="id" />
              <xs:element name="name" />
              <xs:element name="description" />


Important Points:

  • If the CSV file has more fields then the XML schema fields , the converter will ignore the additional fields form the CSV

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