Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Receiver Mail Adapter - Basics

 Address : 

Specifies the host name and (optionally) a port number of the SMTP server. 

Use one of the following open ports for external mail servers: 

  • 25 and 587 for SMTP+STARTTLS

  • 465 for SMTPS If you are using GMail Server, make sure that you allow insecure applications (GMail considers only communication based on OAuth2 as secure) when configuring the server. 

  • Can use port 25 for connections to GMail server.

If you want to configure multiple mail receivers, use a comma (,) to separate the addresses.

The parameters From, To, Cc, Bcc, Subject, Mail Body as well as the attachment name, can be dynamically set at runtime from message headers or content. 

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